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Stuart is a graduate of Flinders University in South Australia with a Bachelor of Languages Degree, an Honours Degree Bachelor of Arts, (languages and linguistics) and a Master of Language Studies Degree.

Stuart is pictured here with his thesis investigations of la bande dessinée franco-belge, specifically, the linguistic context, stereotypes, representations, and controversies in the early adventures of Tintin, his creator, period children's stories, and comic book literature

Keep up to date with the progress of Stuart's exciting bilingual storybook adventure, The Adventures of Paris and Freddie. Set for release in 2024!

Stuart, an industry leader, actively participates in language and linguistics conferences and workshops to discover new techniques for teaching. Click to see Stuart's recent language teaching professional development conference workshop certificates!Click through to Stuart's page on the Klingon Language Wiki!

Click through to read Stuart's article about teaching a second language class containing true and false beginners. What tasks would you utilise to keep the latter challenged without overwhelming the former?

Stuart is a financial member of the Modern Language Teachers Association of South Australia.

Stuart's Indigenous Linguistic Program received a nomination for the 2023 Reconciliation Awards in Educaton!

Click here to read an article about Stuart's thesis research tour of the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe!

Stuart can be booked as a keynote speaker at your event via this website.

Stuart is most appreciative of his supporter, JSA Accounting Reynella.



Lights, camera, japanese language in action!

My speaking tour across South Australia continues, and today was a highlight with a fantastic linguistics masterclass presented to Japanese students at Blackwood Primary School. The positive impact on their language learning was truly inspiring!

Today's masterclass about Japanese animation and Manga was an interactive session in which we discussed the use of language in context, image stereotypes, and representations, followed by a character design and illustration workshop in which the students were guided through the process of creating their characters, adding the target language to the comic strip, and understanding how language is used in the context of their characters' stories.

Linguistics plays a crucial role in language learning by providing insights into the structure, usage, and acquisition of languages. My innovative methodology, Language in Action™, uses sequential art, a form of storytelling using a sequence of images, to enhance second language acquisition. This approach contextualises learning, making it more engaging and memorable, and helps learners actively understand and retain new vocabulary and language structures.

Thanks to the Japanese language department at the Blackwood Primary School for booking me to present to a great group of students!

A beautiful post-presentation testimony!

Stuart A. Blair's Manga Workshop at Blackwood Primary School was exceptional. His deep knowledge of manga, its history, and culture, combined with his engaging and hands-on approach, made the session both educational and fun. The students not only learned how to draw manga but also gained a rich understanding of its cultural significance. Stuart's passion and interactive style made for an unforgettable experience that our students will cherish.

Matt Brown

Japanese Teacher
Blackwood Primary School 

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